Mark your Calendars for Upcoming Public Events at The Lair.
November 11th
A Night of Wonder
Three local musicians at our cozy little spot. Flourless chocolate cake. A trivia game with prizes. Tribute to a Motown legend.
Artist statement
2015-18 years after graduating from PAFA. I decided to try the poppy Surrealist techniques of automatic drawing to break into free association. 7-5-16 . Started taking smartphone videos of my work. The use of video came from an interest in documenting my gestures. The first video was of flipping through drawings in my sketch book.
7-20-16: I posted a video of a automatic drawing over a study of a woman from an Indian Miniature I had done earlier. The social media response from a prominent critic gave me the courage to make more. Began making larger works on paper in acrylic with automatic drawings as a starting point and a figure or portrait included with them. The series has fluctuated between non-objective and figurative imagery. Recycled materials such as cardboard and plastic bags with irregular perimeters and surfaces were introduced with this imagery and is an ongoing series.
2019 to present-I have developed a practice using overlayed digital imagery collected into slideshow videos, generated with handheld smartphone applications, that are posted to various social media platforms. Popular culture imagery is mixed with my own hand rendered drawings and paintings with the slideshows set to sampled music. Often the sampled music will have references in the imagery.